Thursday, May 14, 2009

As Expected...

After last week's 'off' chest workout, yesterday's session for that body part was ideal. Great mind-muscle connection, crisp contractions, and (perhaps resulting from the lackluster previous workout) excellent arousal during the session led to a fantastic pump and deep fatigue. 24 hours later and my pecs are sore and full. Unless future chest workouts are a struggle, and not simply the odd session here and there, there is no concern (i.e., overtraining, injury, etc.).

It's also interesting to note, although no surprise to this author, that one bad workout didn't ruin the appearance of the muscle in question. Often times trainees treat their sessions in a do-or-die fashion, which is good for arousal and motivation, but if things don't work as planned, that doesn't mean one's physique will fall apart. Most people that train hard, and have at least a few months of such training behind them could stop completely and notice little loss of 'appearance' over at least a few weeks.

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